Photo of claudio boyd Uruguay

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(English translation)
An authentic Mr. Nobody. Does painting or writing just because there?s absolutely no other way out. Has carried life in relaxed spartanity since born and raised deprived from his most natural rights: dignity, justice, freedom, safety, health, peace, love. Has made effective some of his rights to education due to having always been among the best of his class. Thus, considers worthless any pre or...

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Photo of claudio boyd Uruguay

(English translation)
An authentic Mr. Nobody. Does painting or writing just because there?s absolutely no other way out. Has carried life in relaxed spartanity since born and raised deprived from his most natural rights: dignity, justice, freedom, safety, health, peace, love. Has made effective some of his rights to education due to having always been among the best of his class. Thus, considers worthless any pre or posthumous deference, and firmly rejects all intention of making market value from his art, or seduction tool from his poetics. Will never forget those who made him have something edible, a pair of fresh legs or pain relievers. For he knows that everything is subjective, always sets side with the weakest. When the time for returning his space suit comes, will refuse medical therapy, have a burial with no mourning, a cardboard coffin, an unnamed and undated grave, and his epitaph will be: ?the last one out must leave the lights on?.

(Texto original)
Un verdadero Don Nadie. Pinta o escribe solo porque no existe otra salida. Ha hecho vida en laxa espartanidad desde que nació y creció privado de sus derechos más naturales: dignidad, justicia, libertad, paz, salud, seguridad, amor. Logró hacer valer su derecho a la educación porque siempre resultaba entre los mejores de su clase. En consecuencia, considera baladí todo reconocimiento pre o póstumo, y rechaza categóricamente cualquier pretensión de hacer cosa mercadeable con su plástica, o herramienta de seducción con su poética. Jamás olvidará a quienes le han puesto enfrente algo comestible, un par de piernas frescas o un tegumento para el dolor. Como sabe que todo es subjetivo, siempre está del lado de los más débiles. Cuando el día de entregar su traje espacial le llegue, rehusará terapia médica, tendrá un entierro sin duelo, su urna será de cartón, su tumba sin nombre ni fechas y su epitafio: ?el último en salir que deje la luz prendida?.

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